About us
The HQR Summer Ball is a celebration of all that is good in London’s High Quality Residential Construction sector.
The HQR Ball was conceived as a response to the perceived need for a single ‘big’ event in the HQR sector. In discussion with consultants, contractors and subcontractors back in 2016, it was clear that there was an appetite for an occasion which brings together the great and the good of London’s unrivalled high-quality residential construction community. The event isn’t just a networking opportunity – it’s an inclusive social event where you and your business guests along with wives, husbands and partners are actively encouraged to attend and enjoy a memorable evening.
The Inaugural HQR Summer Ball in 2016 achieved an attendance of 650 representatives, who together helped to raise a fantastic £54,00 for the year’s chosen charities.
The decision on whether to repeat the event in 2017 was therefore made easy having formally established HQR London as a Charitable Trust in the meantime.
With larger numbers attending and more money being raised each subsequent year, Covid reared its ugly head! Our plans for both a 2020 and 2021 event were scuppered with Government Lockdowns and the like. However, our strong heritage of corporate social responsibility and charitable giving saw an impromptu Christmas appeal during that time to raise much needed funds for The Lighthouse Club who, along with many other charities were struggling with funds during the lockdown times. A fantastic £64,000 worth of donations were raised by our fantastic community.
Patience is a virtue and in 2022, the Summer Ball returned as, unfortunately, did the national train strikes! Despite this, we were delighted to welcome back over 650 attendees and raised £85,000 for the year’s charity partners.
2023 was a record-breaking year. With our industry recovery from Covid and managing to avoid one of the many ongoing train strike days, the Trust delivered a Ball for over 700 colleagues, raising an astonishing £174,000.
Over 100 different companies from Main Contractors, Architects, Interior Designers, Consulting Engineers, etc. have now joined us at the HQR Summer Ball over the years and the Trustees are really excited to see what June 2024 will bring in terms of attendance and charitable donations.